Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Singapore Math Tutorial Freebie

Have you heard all the buzzzzz about Singapore Math?  Our district adopted it a few years ago and we have seen a humungo jump in our math scores!  If you don't know much about Singapore Math, it is a math program that focuses on number sense and a deep understanding of place value.  Students are taught mental math strategies and model drawing to complete word problems.  Basically, kiddos are taught the WHY so they understand the HOW.  The program builds on itself, delving deep into concepts before moving on to the next objective.  Students master objectives and then build upon them in consecutive grades.

I hated math all through school.  I hated memorizing rules and formulas and I never understood WHY I was doing anything. I KNOW if I would have been taught like this, I would have LOVED math! 

My purpose for this post is to offer resources to teachers who currently use Singapore Math in the classroom, or to give non-Singapore teachers strategies to add in their current math lessons.  I am NOT an expert by any means.  Below you will find a few resources and a video created by one of my teacher friends (Bobbi Love) and I for our district.  Follow our page to get the latest resources that we post. 
Students are learning to subtract 3 digit numbers with borrowing.  With Singapore Math, we "Trade" place value discs.  View the video below for directions. *the video is 4 digit, but you get the idea

PLEASE comment!  We LOVE comments!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Comprehension Freebies

I know that a lot of teachers work on comprehension strategies throughout the year with their students.  Here are some forms I created to use when teaching predictions.  I generally begin with the before reading predictions page.  We discuss a book cover, title, and take a picture walk.  The first couple of days I have the students make a prediction and write it on the lines.  As we work through the week, I have them write their evidence on sticky notes, and attach them to the evidence boxes at the bottom.  I gradually move through each prediction page (during and after) doing the same routine.  At the end of the predictions unit, I have the students complete one whole set (before, during, after) and submit for a grade.   I have used these for first, second and third grade, and I have always had a good outcome with my predictions unit!  Enjoy trying these out with your class.

If you download, please comment! Thanks!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Our First Award! Yippy!

I was sooooo excited when I logged on tonight!  I found out our blog was honored with an award!  Cue angelic choir music...  Thank you so much to Cortney at Once Upon a Substitute!  That girl is going places!  She just graduated from college with her teaching degree and she already has AMAZING resources and ideas to share!  Wow!  I was freaking out about getting a job when I graduated, not hosting an awesome blog!  Check her out darlings!

What it's all about...
The Liebster Award is awarded to blogs with less than 200 followers.  The award is passed along from blogger to blogger and highlights up and coming blogs.  Liebe is the word for love in Germany, which is where the award originated.  

Guidelines to accepting the award:
Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog.  Link back to the blogger who presented the award to you.  Copy and paste the blog award on your blog.  Present the Liebster Blog Award to blogs of 200 followers or less who you feel deserve to be noticed.  Let them know they have been chosen by leaving a comment at their blog.

MY Liebster Blog PICKS
Tickled to Teach
This first grade teacher is has such great ideas!  Check out all her pictures and examples!  We can't wait to see what she does next!
A Differentiated Kindergarten
This kindergarten teacher has tons of resources to share!  She differentiates her K classroom!
Fabulously First
This teacher has over 20 years of experience and lots of great resources!

Abe Lincoln and Teeth

Tooth Activity:
I was looking for a tooth craft activity to do with my students and I stumbled upon the following link:

I gave my students a blank piece of paper and told them to draw a big circle or oval for their face. Then, they added a smile and used marshmallows for the teeth. When they were finished, they wrote a sentence explaining how they take care of their teeth.

President's Day Activity:
 For a writing activity, my students made Abe Lincoln. It is hard for a kindergartener to write about what they would do as President. So, for this writing activity, I had my students write: Abe Lincoln was the 16th President. He is on the penny.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

One Giant Leap...TPT Linky Party

We are joining our FIRST linky party from 2nd grade Shenanigans!  On LEAP day we will be having a sale at our TeachersPayTeachers store for 20%off!  Check it out!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The kindergarten teacher

Gretchen and Amy have each had a turn at writing so I guess that brings it to my turn. I’m Shelley, the kindergarten teacher of the group. When I tell people I teach kindergarten, they either think I’m crazy or lucky. Personally, I think I’m lucky! When I started teaching kindergarten I knew I found what I was meant to do. It is so nice to teach kiddos that, for the most part, love school and love their teacher. I would much rather deal with snotty noses and tears than hormones and attitude. When I first started teaching, 12 years ago, I always said that I wouldn’t teach kids that were taller than me. Well, it seems like that limits me to 3rd grade and younger.
         My first year teaching I lived in Covington, TN. During my interview, the principal said to me, “If you can teach here, you will be able to teach anywhere!” I was hired on the spot and the first day, I knew why. When I got my class list on the first day of school, I couldn’t pronounce half of the names. I even had a couple of names that had punctuation in the spelling of their name. There I was, this little white girl, standing in front of 19 African American students that I could not understand because of their thick southern accent. I taught in Tennessee for six years before moving to St. Louis and I loved every minute of it.
 A mentor once told me, that the kids will never remember everything you teach them, but they will always remember how you made them feel! Isn’t that so true with our memories? The one thing I remember about kindergarten is that my teacher left me in the room with the other bus riders so she could walk out the car riders. I was terrified because there wasn’t an adult in the room. Our emotions are so tied to memories. To this day, I tell my students that the one thing I want them to take away from kindergarten is that they are perfect just the way they are made and that I love them!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Get it while it's hot!

So Amy and Shelley have taken a hiatus from the blogging world today, and I am now in charge.  I figured I would post like crazy (especially since it is Amy's stuff) so I wouldn't feel so bad for not posting later this week. 

My day started with walking down the hallway with jackhammers blasting in the classroom across the hall from me and a rancid gasoline smell infiltrating the hallways.  I was surprised students didn't drop like flies as they passed to head down to the Kindergarten and First grade classrooms.  I can at least feel satisfied that the urine smell from the boys bathroom was nixed due to the gasoline's a toss up people! 
Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

Monday, February 20, 2012

Our First Post

      Holy Macaroni!  Who would have thought getting a Blog started would be such an undertaking?  We are tech savvy girls!  We are experts at using technology in the classroom.  Heck, we are even trained to train teachers on how to use technology in the classroom!  ....but this was a little more than we imagined.  I have to say, I have a new found respect for all of you Teacher Bloggers out there!  My fellow Teacher Chicks and I (Amy), have always admired the Teaching Bloggers and we have often wondered how on earth all of you find time to teach, have families/friends, AND blog.  This is a lot of work girlies, but I am sure it is worth it.  We were just bursting with ideas and we wanted the opportunity to share with all of you!  

Thank goodness I came across Charity Preston from the Organized Classroom and her Teaching Blog Traffic School!  Her videos are absolutly amazing and I would recommend them to bloggers just starting out and veterans! 

     So.... the Teacher Chicks and I decided to create a blog together to share our thoughts, talents, and creativity with others.  We plan on taking turns posting our resources.  Today is my turn!  Yippy!  So let me tell you a little about me...

    My name is Amy Hoffmann and I have been a third grade teacher for eight amazing years!  I LOVE teaching!  I love my kiddos and coming to school each day to explore the world with them.  Yes, teaching can be hard, challenging, and sometimes I may want to jump off a cliff, but all in all, teaching is what I live for!  I am what you may call, a perfectionist, when it comes to creating resources.  I always have to use cute fonts and graphics.  My wonderful third grade team always makes fun of me because my stuff has to be, what they call, "Amy cute."  I just love creating!   I have an adorable Shipoo named Cullen, who is named after the Twilight series. (don't judge).  My family and friends are amazing and so incredibly supportive! 

So where is the free resource?  Here is it my friends.  Please COMMENT!  We are newbies and need all the encouragement we can get!

Take a look at this incredible resource for teaching Realistic Fiction Writing created by Amy Hoffmann (Green Tree) herself!!!!!

This set provides the teacher a compliation of brainstorming pages, which leads the novice writer to a creative final piece. Realistic Fiction Writing Unit Lucy Calkins Unit 4[1]