Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Test Prep Resources for Smarter Balanced and PARCC

Hello darlings!  Are you getting reading to take your State Assessments?  I am sure many of you are now taking computerized tests this year.  It is totally new for us, and unfortunately, there are NO resources out there to help you prepare your elementary kiddos!

I created a 23 day Test Prep Unit for ELA that prepares students for the Smarter Balanced Assessment that we will be taking in 3rd grade in Missouri.  While I would have loved to have created ALL the resources needed for this unit, I relied heavily on other amazing TPT authors who have created produces perfect for test prep.

I have spelled out the day by day plans and included hyperlinks to all the resources needed.  MANY of them are FREE, but 7 of the resources I use are paid products.  (I do not get any profits from promoting these resources.  I just found them helpful!)

Even if you decide not to purchase those other resources, you could still use the unit and supplement with your own practice tests and centers.

If you have any helpful resources or webpages you use to prepare your students for the Smarter Balanced Test or PARCC Test, please comment!  I would LOVE to know what you do!

Do Download the FREE unit plan, click HERE!  You will be able to access all the links to the paid and free products!

Have a great Day!