Friday, March 16, 2012

Amazing Math Facts Idea I learned!

Today was our last day before Spring Break!  No kiddos, just a Share Fair that our district has every year for Professional Development.  I always leave there with great ideas, but I also always leave there thinking, "Geeze, there is a lot of stuff I still don't know about!"  Don't worry, new teachers out there, everyone, no matter how long they have been teaching, never feels like they have it all together. =)

One really cool thing is about Math Facts.  My teamie, Meghan, was super excited about one of the classes she attended.  A fourth grade teacher (Mrs. Parn) gave out some really great ideas of how she makes sure her kiddos have all the facts memorized.  She does an activity every morning for morning work.  Students come in and pick a math fact from a chart she has posted on the wall.  On their paper, they then write all the facts in that fact family, the meaning of the fact, the part-part-whole model, a pictorial representation, and the number line.  She says her students gain a great understanding of what this fact actually means and what it represents.  I LOVE this idea!  My teamies and I were so excited, that when we were in the car to leave, I just had to take some pics of Mrs. Parn's handouts! 


I wanted to start this in my room right away, so I made my own version that you can download here. 

I have another awesome Math Facts idea to share with you, so stay tuned.  Just sign up with your email in the sidebar and you will be notified whenever we post!  It is that simple!

Do you have any awesome things you do with your kiddos for memorizing math facts?


  1. Thank you for this. Pinned it here:

  2. Just found your blog and I will definitely be following along now. I love this! I teach 3rd grade and I know this will come in very useful.

    Call me crazy but I don't see a place to download it when I click on it. Am I missing something? I see where I can print it out but not a download button.


    1. So glad you found us Tracie! I think when you click to print it, a new screen comes up and you get the option to save it and download. =) I hope it works for you!

  3. I LOVE your version to help students understand every concept about one number fact. Multiple strategies that show one number fact is the way I loved to teach math!!!!!!

  4. Thanks - this is beautful. FYI -- Look up "Rule of Four" for the pedagogy behind this (four representations: verbal (words), geometric (pictures/graphs), analytic (patterns) and numeric (numbers and computation). Pinned it!

    1. Thanks for pinning Kim! I didn't know about the Rule of Four so thank you for researching that!

  5. Thanks for posting Singapore math resources.

  6. Just wanted to let you know that I shared this at a presenation and on my blog. I referenced your blog and linked you. Here is the link to my post.

  7. I think I know Mrs. Parn! She was one of my instructors for a college course and she is Ah-Mazing! Just found these anchor charts on Pinterest and am your newest follower!

  8. Thank you for this. We are new to CCSS Math and having a way to show and practice modeling really comes in handy.

  9. Just found your blog on Pinterest! Love this post!

    The Math Maniac

  10. This sounds amazing. Thanks for the free download. So excited to try this.


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