Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Fun Ideas for teaching Perimeter

It got to over 80 degrees here in Missouri!  Crazy, but BEAUTIFUL!  It was so gorgeous out, I just had to think of some excuse to take my kiddos outside!  We of course did lots of fun activities indoors, such as measuring the perimeter of books, our desks, the whiteboard, etc.  BUT... we also had to get outside.  So I decided to take them out to measure the perimeter of each other. 

Each kiddo got a partner, a yard stick, and a piece of chalk.  They took turns laying on the sidewalk and drawing a rectangle around their partner.  Then they measured each side, recorded the measurement, and then added up the sides to find the perimeter.  It was really fun afterwords when the kiddos all walked around and looked at everyone else's rectangle. 

Do you have any fun things you do to teach perimeter?


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