Sunday, March 11, 2012

Singapore Sunday: Math Resources

Hello Teaching Friends!  So, we thought it would be fun to Blog about Singapore Math Resources every Sunday.  Even if you don't teach Singapore Math, you can still use these strategies in your classroom!  To make sure you don't miss out, Follow us and make sure to follow us with your email address! Find the little form on the sidebar on the right.  Yes, that right over there!

Below you will find a little smartboard lesson you can download that teaches about Number Bonds.  This is an important Mental Math Strategy in Singapore Math that I refer to constantly with my kiddos.  We are still talking about it in third grade and we are learning about time!  I have included an anchor chart that I keep up to "Anchor" my students' thinking all year long.  This takes Number Bonds to a higher level, using Bonds to Branch.

Smartbook File
  Did you find this resource beneficial? Should we continue to post Singapore Sundays blogs?


  1. Oh my! Your blog is adorable, so awesome that all 3 of you have one together! I'm your newest follower.
    Kaleigh's Klassroom

  2. Thanks so much Kaleigh! We appreciate the praise! We will be over to check you out!

  3. Please continue your blog about Singapore Math. I love everything I hear about it but my district will probably not implement it any time soon, so I'm on my own!

  4. Someone pinned this link and all I can say is THANK YOU!
    We use Math in Focus (Singapore Math)
    I just used your anchor chart to help my ESL students understand
    the concept.

  5. Have you checked out Math Buddies, brought to you by Marshall Cavendish (publishers of Math in Focus and Primary Mathematics) It is a K-5 digital Singapore math curriculum that allows you to integrate technology and Singapore Math. The website is Check it out! Let me know if anyone is interested.

  6. Oh, I love this post. (Just discovered you through a Pinterest friend.) My kiddos have struggled with bonds. I really appreciate the anchor chart and the link for the free Smartboard file!

  7. Omg! My kids would benefit greatly from your singapore math resources. Thank you so much for posting!

  8. Good info !!!
    Really informative and helpful...
    essay writing
    Thank you...

  9. I am so I'm love with the rules given. It sure helps the pupils to grab faster with smiles.


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