Monday, April 2, 2012

Easter Reading and Writing Activities

I can't believe Easter is almost here! I had to scramble to  find all of my Easter activities before Good Friday! We started off by writing chick stories. By this time of year I expect my students to write more than one sentence but is hard to get the majority of kindergarten students to write a story on their own without some kind of structure. I  told my students to write a story but I gave them some guidelines for what to include. I asked them to include: their chick's name, to tell what he/she looks like and what he/she is doing.
This student wrote: My chick is a new born chick. Her name is
Avery. She is the cutest chick ever.

I had my students write about their chick on blank handwriting paper. Click on the picture below to download the cute chick writing if you would like to use it! Also, let me know how your smart kindergarteners are writing!

This week, we are also reading "The Tale of Peter Rabbit". I read the story and then put my students  into four groups. I assigned each group one section of the story map to complete. When everyone was finished, we met on the carpet and I wrote down the answers from each group onto the smartboard. This would also be a great writing activity during reader's workshop. I also included a page  that we are doing later in the week. Throughout the year, I have taught about speech bubbles and parenthesis in writing. I'm going to have my students write about what they think Peter Rabbit should tell his mom. I can't wait to read what my little creative kiddos will write! Click on the picture below to download both pages!


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