Sunday, June 24, 2012

Facebook in the Classroom: Edmodo

While completing one of my classes this summer, I came across Edmodo!  One of my colleagues had mentioned it to me before, but I never had a chance to look at it.

 I created an Edmodo account that I plan to use next year with my third graders.  It allows students to post assignments and respond to each other online in a safe environment.  I think of Edmodo as a virtual classroom — all the doors are closed and locked, so no one can just walk in without permission.” It also allows parents to follow their students and all correspondence between students and teachers.  I am really excited about this because I think it will be great for students to collaborate with one another.  This will allow me to teach my students netiquette (did you know this is a real word?), and how to properly use a social media site. 

Ideas for the classroom
a. Posting stories in writer’s workshop with students posting feedback
b. book reviews and recommendations
c. tutorial videos for help at home
d. classroom updates
e. projects (ex. Animal Research Project)
f. taking quizzes with immediate feeback

I love the security features of Edmodo.

·         Edmodo class groups are created and managed by the teacher

·         students need to know the class group code in order to view or participate in the class group

·         teachers have full administrative rights on student participation in the teacher's class group

·         private conversation between students are not possible : students may only communicate to the whole class or the teacher.

·         teachers may choose to receive automatic notification of student postings into the class group

·         a 'read-only' mode which can be applied selectively for those students who are not using Edmodo constructively.

Edmodo is really easy to use!  I was able to create a log in and profile very quickly.  I am really anxious to set up my kiddos on their and get them logged in with their passwords.  That will be the real test of how easy this program is.  All of the reviews I have read are really positive.  I am so excited about the possibilities!  I did some research to see how other elementary teachers are using it. A lot of them have ipods in their classrooms.  I have two student computers so it will be interesting to see how this all plays out. 

I created a lesson that I am going to try out when school starts.  We'll see what happens.  Download it for Free!  If you do please pin and rate!  I REALLY appreciate it!


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE this!! I discovered Edmodo last year and used it with my 3rd graders...the best part is we are able to communicate via Edmodo during the summer!


  2. I read another blog earlier this summer about Edmodo but I wasn't quite sure how I would be able to use this in my classroom but after reading your post now I have an idea. Thank you so much!!!

    :) Nicole
    Tadpole Tidbits

  3. I just found your blog and LOVE LOVE LOVE it:) Thanks for the awesome freebies!

    Come check my blog out when you have time! I am having a giveaway right now:)

    Tonya’s Treats for Teachers

  4. Thanks for sharing your resources. I just got back from ISTE and Edmodo was high in demand! It definitely seems to be the way to go. A lot of their workshops were totally filled. I plan to use it with my classes as well next year.

  5. Hi,
    I've chosen to give you the Versatile Blogger Award. Visit my site to get your award and learn how to pass it on to others.

  6. Hi! I'm awarding you the "One Lovely Blog Award"! Check out my blog to claim your award! :)

    Busy Teacher Love

  7. I love this idea! I will have to check with my principal to see if I can use it! I am so glad I found your blog and I am now following you!
    Patti :)
    A Series of 3rd Grade Events

    1. Thank you Patti! I hope you can use it! We are following you too!

  8. I just wanted to say “thank you” for continuing to inspire me not only as a teacher, but also as a blogger. You’ve been nominated for The Versatile Blogger and The One Lovely Blog Award. Head over to my blog to pick them up!

    Turtley Loving Teaching

  9. Your work is inspiring! I wish I had 1/2 your talent.



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