Thursday, August 9, 2012

Classroom Setup with Lots of Freebies!

Just linked up! 

Sorry it has taken me forever to get back on here.  I've been busy setting up my classroom and getting ready for the new school year.  My class list is very strange this year... I have two Mollies, two Kamerons, two Kelli's, two Jennas, and two Tylers.  In all my years of teaching, I have never had this many doubles!  This year is going to be interesting. =)

So.. on to the good stuff.  Here is a before of my room looking toward the door. Look at all the junk in the corner! =)

Here is the before shot looking while I was standing at the door.  So  yucky and bare!

"In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun.  You find the fun and SNAP, the job's a game!" I took Mary Poppin's advice.  I snapped and voila!  Here is the after pic. (Notice how it is dark outside?)

As you walk in the room, I have a weird wall indenture thing, so I decided to put a little work area here.  The bulletin board is where I will be putting my Rockstar of the Week.  I got the Rockstar sign at Target. The chairs are from Lowes and were on sale for $7!  The lamp is from home.  To the right, is where I will put the kids names for the helpers.  I only have one boy helper and one girl helper each day.  It is much easier for me and the kiddos instead of assigning 500 jobs to different kids. =)

Here is my Word Wall that I printed a long time ago from Teaching In Flip Flops.  The pink table will be for Science materials and activities.

Here is a view of the math section of my room.  I made labels on the computer that I bought from Walmart-Avery 2817.  Here I store clocks, Singapore Math discs, dice, counters, playing cards, rulers, and other math manipulatives.  The little BB is my Math rotation sign. Scroll down for a close up pic.  The bench was made by my grandpa when I was a kid.

I teach math in differentiated groups.  North is my low group so they meet with me for their lesson first.  West is the Highest group so they do their assignment first and meet with me last.  My rotations last for 15 minutes each.
Teacher: my direct instruction lesson tailored to this group
Desk: The assignment for the group
Game: In each group, kids are assigned partners and they play a game based on the day's skill
Fast Facts:  I have 3 computers in my room, so kiddos log onto and complete their fact lesson for the day. (I have an entire blog post about xtramath).  The kids who are waiting to use the computer (the other partner) use flashcards to practice.  Then the kiddos switch.  Click on the pic to download the free BB.  Sorry, I cannot send you an editable version due to graphics' copyright.

Hello Mr. Tiger!  Notice he is guarding our Book Bins.  These are where kiddos store their books and Reading Journals for Reading Workshop.  I bought the bins 3 years ago at Target. (so they have lasted)  They are ice cube trays.  I use name tags to write the kiddos number on it so I don't have to change the labels each year.  I'm lazy. =)

 To the right are our Science Tubs from the district.

This is my small group area.  I use a picnic table, because I like it, and because kids don't have to scoot up a chair.  The BB has a birthday section and the blank section will be used for hanging anchor charts for reading.

Here is the front of the room with my smartboard.  I have no idea how I ever taught without it! The letters are the peel and stick from Carson Delosa (I think).  I have zebra print banners that I got from the Target party section under that.  On the bottom right, you can see our flipchart.  The right purple BB will be used for focus lesson anchor charts.  My easel is right next to it.  This carpet is where I do whole group lessons.

Here is a better view of my focus lesson area.  Behind, you can see my computer area.  I got the hangy ball things guessed it...Tarjay! (Target)

Here is a close up to the other BB.  The green pocket chart will be used for book recommendations and the Bravo Board will be used by the kids to put up compliments for each other.  The basket is where we will store our nurse's stuff like passes and band aides.

This is our writing and supply area.  I have extra crayons, scissors, stick notes, and glue over here.  The lamp was on sale at Gordmans.  The tray to the right is the work turn in tray.  The basket on top is where we store our high frequency words notebooks for spelling tests. (I have an entire blogpost about this).  Behind all this loveliness is my desk area...

Here is my library section.  I label bins by genre.  I think I printed them off from Teaching in Flip Flops many moons ago.  The BB will be used for vocabulary words.

More books and a side view of my messy desk.

 Here are our mailboxes that have lasted me nine years!  Got those babies at walmart I believe.  The little posters are our class schedule and our study hall schedule. The Treasure Box is from my grandpa, so it is probably a geniuine super old Pirate chest.  JK

I forgot to take a pic of my door, but I have a Where Are We Sign on it.  I use a giant paper clip to show where we are. Click the pic to download it for free.  Sorry I can't make it editable.

I hope this is helpful darlings!  Have fun setting up your classrooms!


  1. Your rock star bulletin board totally rocks!! :) I love everything that you've done to your classroom!! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

    1. Thanks Lisa! I love the ideas you have on your blog! Your Pirate Tubs are so darn cute!

  2. Super cute room! Hope you have a fantabulous year!

    Learning's a Hoot

    1. Thanks Kristi! I love your Number of the Day papers! They will be perfect for my third graders!

  3. Love all your colors. Looks great!

  4. Love your color scheme! I am using pink, blue, and green also. Your room looks bright and colorful! Have a wonderful year!
    Conversations in Literacy

  5. Your room is so bright and cheerful! Love it! :)

  6. سباك بجدة
    من منا لا يحتاج إلى سباك محترف في أعمال السباكة، فالكثير يتعرض يومياً إلى الكثير من المشكلات المتعلقة بالسباكة وتسرب المياه وغيرها من المشكلات، ومن المعروف أن أعمال السباكة معقدة ويجب أن يتوافر لها فنيين خبراء.
    لذلك فإن شركتنا واحدة من أهم الشركات التي توفر لكم مجموعة كبيرة من الخبراء والمحترفين في مجال السباكة وعدد كبير منهم حاصل على شهادة خبرة من الخارج، وليس هذا فقط بل أن شركتنا تقدم لكم أيضاً القطع الأصلية وبأسعار رمزية لأن الشركة حريصة على الحصول على رضا العملاء وثقتهم وهذا يعتبر من أهم نجاحاتها، لذلك إن كنت تعاني من مشكلة في السباكة اتصل بنا الآن دون تفكير.


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