Monday, September 24, 2012

Apple Thematic Unit

I have been reading books and doing activities about apples. I like to do themed activities at centers, writing and then during read-alouds. Check out these freebies that are a part of my apple unit.
If you would like to see my apple unit on tpt, just click here

We are working on number recognition and counting. I gave each student the following paper and a napkin with a small amount of red paint. Students used their pointer finger to make the correct amount of apples in each box. Click on the picture to download a FREE copy of the Counting Apples page.

I made a door graph with apples that I numbered. Start at the bottom of the door and go up. I went to 16 apples. The sign at the top says, "Look at how many apples tall I am!" Click on the picture below to download  the sign and the class book!
Here is what the class book looks like! I don't cut out the apple. I just leave it and staple it together on the side like a book.

I read the book, "10 Apples up on Top" by Dr. Seuss. Then, I have my students pick a number between 1-10. Each student writes his or her name on the first line and how many apples are on top of their head in the second line. Then, students glue their picture on the paper and put apples up on top!
Click on the picture to download a copy!

Do you do an apple theme in your classroom?


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