Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Multiplication Strategy and Free Game

      Hello darlings!  Are you a little worried about Common Core?  I know in math, the rigor went up in third grade.  Our district, thank goodness, has been using Singapore Math for the past few years and that program already bumped up the rigor considerably.  So, we are feeling ok about it.  One of the things my third graders have to do, is to multiply two digit by two digit numbers.  We have to teach them the reasoning behind the algorithm, not just how to memorize the steps.

One strategy we use is the Area Model.

I have created a mini unit of resources to teach your kiddos about this strategy. Click on the picture below to download a Spinner Game FREEBIE! (Once there, click download preview file) While you are there, check out the resources!


Here is a preview of the resources.

Check back for more multiplication resources!



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