Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Tooth Fairy

Last week, we learned about teeth. I had to carry it over into this week because we didn't get everything finished. Does that ever happen to you? I feel like there is never enough time! I have really great writers this year and we have been working on adding more detail in our writing. So, after reading a story about the tooth fairy, I had my students write about the tooth fairy. They could write about what she/he looks like, what he/she does with the teeth or any thoughts they had about the tooth fairy. I had them take them home and I forgot to take more pictures of them. I only have one to post, but it is a great one! Check this out!
"The tooth fairy lives in the sky. And the tooth fairy puts the teeth to live in the clouds.

It was great to see the cute ideas my kiddos wrote for what the tooth fairy does with the teeth:) Click below for the writing template!

Thanks for stopping by!


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