Sunday, June 2, 2013

Tornado and June Currently

Hello darlings!  I hope you are enjoying this summer or are almost done with school!  I've been out of school, but I have been writing curriculum with my district for the past couple of days.  I still have Monday and Tuesday left and then I can start the daily pool ritual!

How has the weather been where you are?  It has been crazy storming here in O'Fallon, Missouri.  My friend Jamie and I were coming back from dinner Friday night and saw a tornado!  We even filmed it!  It was super exciting and a little scary!  It turns out this tornado made its way all the way to where my friend Gretchen was driving.  She had to get out of her car and go under an overpass.  She said she was being pelted with rain and debris.  The sound was incredibly loud.  She made it out safe, but was covered in mud.  (We then talked about how she should of stayed in her car because overpasses are not safe.  They actually can create a vortex of air and suck you out.)  I have no idea what I would have done in her situation!  I am so glad she is okay!

I'm linking up with Farley for this month's Currently.

Stay safe my friends,


  1. Isn't is a wonderful feeling to be able to relax! I love teaching school, but I do not realize how much energy in and out of school I put into teaching until I am able to slow down a bit. I am a new follower and cannot wait to read more. You have such a blog!


    1. Thanks Andrea! I hope you are able to relax this summer!

  2. Geez, that is a scary, scary story!! Sososo glad to hear you are all okay!! I am with you on the relaxing, I just wish I had a pool closer by :) Happy summer!

    3rd Grade Thoughts

  3. Oh my goodness! That is quite a tornado story -- and to have caught it on video. YIKES! I found your blog through CURRENTLY and am your newest follower!

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  4. Wow, what a crazy, scary story! My in-laws all live in Oklahoma, so we've been praying a lot this weekend! I'm with you 100% on your must haves for vacation :)
    Fun in Room 4B

  5. I love the beach, too! Can't wait to go this summer. So ready for school to be out, so I can start relaxing!

  6. That must have been very scary. I am glad we don't get tornadoes here. We do get bad storms, but they are nothing compared to what happened in Oklahoma.
    Have a great summer and lots of fun at the beach.

    Charlene/Diamond Mom
    Diamond Mom's Treasury

  7. Oh my goodness! I'm glad your friend was okay!


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