Monday, July 1, 2013

July Currently and CCSS

Hello Darlings!  Each month, Farly has a huge linky party called Currently.  She posted a little early and there are already a zillion blogs posted!  This is a great place for you to go check out other blogs that you might not have ever heard of!  If you have your own blog, link up!  It will give you some traffic and let you meet other bloggers!

So my blogging partner Shelley Snow just got married this weekend!  OMG!  It was SOOOOO much fun!  My friends (Gretchen and Jamie) went up to Macon, Missouri on Thursday and setup and decorated the Expo Center.  Let me just say, we did not have to work out after that!  It took us two days to hang fabric from the ceilings, put out tables and chairs, tablecloths and chair covers, and decorate the tables.  Wow!  We were busy, but I must say it was BEAUTIFUL!  I was stupid and didn't take any pics, but I know someone must have!

Her wedding was gorgeous and she was the most radiant bride ever!  I am so happy for her and so sore from dancing all night!  We shut the place down and were kicked out at 1:30am!  So fun!
Gretchen, Shelley, Me, Jamie

Me and Teacher Chick Jamie

So I am looking forward to my Florida vacation!  Jamie and I get to leave at the end of this month!  Girls trip!  Yay!  We are going to Clearwater.  Ever been there?  Any great spots we should go?

Don't forget to download your free bunting banner!  AND stop by tomorrow to link up with TACKLE IT TUESDAY: CCSS!  Create a post about an activity for common core and link up!  

Make sure to follow us with Bloglovin! It is so cool!  I can read all my favorite blogs in ONE place and it tells me when they write a new post!  No more missing out on FLASH FREEBIES!  There is even an app for your phone!!!!
Follow my blog with Bloglovin



  1. I love listening to Christian music and loved my Florida vacay during spring break. Rest up and have fun!

    Mrs. Bartel’s School Family

  2. I just love weddings, and it sounds like this was a great one! Congrats to the bride. I definitely agree about summer needing to slow down. I'm just getting used to the heat!

    All the best,
    -The Imaginary Classroom

  3. Looks like a beautiful wedding. Love that bunting banner!

    My Life as a Third Grade Teacher

  4. Beautiful photos! I love the ALL dresses!!! Looks like fun!

    24/7 Teacher: Amy Harrod

  5. I would have been right in there with you on the dancing!

    You all look beautiful-

    Learning in the Little Apple

  6. Just found you and started following you on bloglovin' today. I love me some JoyFM too. I live in the city and teach at a small Christian school in UCity. Where are you at?


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