Wednesday, January 29, 2014

100 Day Champs

This Friday, is our 100th day of school! This year is flying by! Kindergarten and First grade have decided to have a Super Bowl theme this year. Kindergarteners are wearing Seahawks colors and First graders are wearing Broncos colors. We even made shirts for the teachers to wear. Check them out!

I made a banner for my door.

One of the K teachers showed me the most adorable craft for 100th day and I wanted to share it with you.
You take skin colored paper and have students tear it into pieces and then glue in a circle on construction paper to make a face.The torn paper makes the face look "wrinkled". Then, add eyes, nose, lips etc. For the hair, use cotton balls. I love how some of them made mustaches and beards.  When we were finished we wrote about what we would do when we were 100 years old. Take a look at some of my favorites.
 I'll be in the nursing home.
 I will sit on a couch and eat.
 I am going to heaven.
 I will be awesome.

Aren't these adorable! We are also making football helmets by taking a "bonnet" pattern and adding a chin strap! What are you doing for the 100th day?

Thanks for stopping by!

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