Sunday, April 26, 2015

The End is Near...Resources for Continued Learning

Hello darlings!  I don't know about you, but I am always concerned with the learning loss that occurs between grade levels every summer.  Year after year, our new kiddos come to us reading at least one level lower than the previous year, and somehow that is normal and acceptable.  We work too hard with our kiddos for them to regress and not retain their learning!

Last year I decided to do something about it.  On the last day of school, my kiddos make themselves a Summer Camp Kit.  This kit includes multiplication games, a Reading Response Journal, and Writing Prompts with a Writing Journal.

Because my students are the ones making it, they take ownership and they don't just toss it as soon as they leave for summer!  I tell kiddos that if they bring it back completed the next year, they will earn a special treat from me.  While I would like to report that all of my kiddos brought it back last year, I was please that I did get 12 students who completed it.  I am going for a larger number this year.

I will also be starting a Summer Camp Success Wall in my room to hang up pics of the kiddos who completed it and allow them to sign the wall.  Hopefully this will be another motivator as well.

 Check it out here.
Detailed directions with pictures
Reading Journal with suggested activities and sentence starters
Writing Journal with optional prompts
Camp Workout Game: incorporation multiplication and physical activity
Hike the Hills Game: multiplication strategy game "spotting animals"
Spinner Game: includes 3 different multiplication/division game options

I did this on the last day of school with my kiddos.  The key to these activities is that students take ownership in creating the journals and games themselves.  Students simply color each page, cut out, and staple the journals together.  They also put together the spinner and the other games.  Once completed, they put each game or journal in its own sandwich bag and then place everything inside the suitcase.  We play the games in partners and start off one of the journal entries for reading and writing.   

I hope you check this out and find it useful.  I would love to give two lucky winners this resource for free.  Just tell me your favorite vacation spot and leave your email.  You may find this in your in box tomorrow!


  1. This looks awesome! My favorite vacation spot is Disney World!

    Stephanie C

    1. I love Disney as well! I haven't been in years! Check your email for this unit!

  2. This looks like such a fun and helpful activity!!! I love it. My favorite vacation spot is Emerald Isle, NC!! Thanks for the opportunity!

    1. I have never been to North Carolina but I have heard it is beautiful! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. This is an amazing resource! :) My favorite spot to vacation is Colorado!


    1. Colorado sounds fun! Do you go skiing? Check your email for the free unit!

  4. I just returned from the Riveria Maya in Mexico! I love it there. We swam with dolphins, turtles and manta rays. 😃

    1. I love Riveria Maya! I didn't get to swim with any sea creatures. That I know of! LOL! Check your email for the free unit!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. This resource looks amazing. My favorite spots are North Carolina and Florida.

  7. What a great idea! My favorite vacation spot is anywhere with water as I live in central Il. especially Door County WI.

    1. Thank you! I bet! I have never been to WI before but I bet it is gorgeous!

  8. My favorite vacation spot has to be San Diego. BTW, this looks amazing! My kids would so benefit from something this detailed! Casey

  9. I am late to the part, but this is awesome! I am pinning it for later use.
    P.S. We love to take our kids to Disneyland :)

  10. There has been saying that there has an end for the resources but i do not think that these natural things will not stop. check it to get more tips and helpful guide on research papers writing.


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