Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Comprehension Freebies

I know that a lot of teachers work on comprehension strategies throughout the year with their students.  Here are some forms I created to use when teaching predictions.  I generally begin with the before reading predictions page.  We discuss a book cover, title, and take a picture walk.  The first couple of days I have the students make a prediction and write it on the lines.  As we work through the week, I have them write their evidence on sticky notes, and attach them to the evidence boxes at the bottom.  I gradually move through each prediction page (during and after) doing the same routine.  At the end of the predictions unit, I have the students complete one whole set (before, during, after) and submit for a grade.   I have used these for first, second and third grade, and I have always had a good outcome with my predictions unit!  Enjoy trying these out with your class.

If you download, please comment! Thanks!


  1. I love these, they will be great for my class! I'm your newest follower, super cute blog!!

  2. These are wonderful. Thanks for sharing. Stop on by and visit. I'm having a great giveaway right now.

    Yearn to Learn Blog

  3. Thank you so much for sharing! I'm so glad to be your newest follower! Thanks for the award!

  4. These are wonderful and I love your blog...but I can't get them to download :( When I click on one it comes up but there is no link to download! Help!
    Amy Burton

    1. Hello Amy,
      I'm not sure what is up with that! I was able to open it and print it today. Did you have to sign in with your Google Account?

  5. I could not print either, but I figured it out! Click on the "printer" icon - then it shifts over to a format where you can save!

  6. I love these! Thank you so much for sharing them. Your blog is wonderful! =)

    Heather's Heart

  7. Just found your blog and I love it! Many Thanks for all the wonderful things you share. :)

  8. Thanks for the prediction charts! I will use them next week!
    :) Dana
    Fun in 1st Grade

  9. Awesome! Thanks for freely sharing.

  10. I love your very interesting pages. videos


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