Thursday, March 15, 2012

Saint Patrick's Day is almost here! I do love this Irish holiday but I am really excited because it marks the beginning of Spring break! Let's be honest fellow teachers, this is the time of year when even the sweetest student in your classroom begins to act like a nut! 

 So, today in kindergarten, we talked about how we would catch a leprechaun. I had my students share some ideas and they were great! We began with the sentence starter: To catch a leprechaun, I would.....

Later in the day, we continued our leprechaun theme with a guest appearance by O'Malley! While my students were in P.E., he ran through our room and  made quite a mess! He left a letter next to his footprints and gold coins.

Download O'Malley's letter

The kids had a great time picking up the coins and reading the words. If they came to a word they didn't know, they asked a friend for help. I tried to upload the coins in word so you can change the words to match your sight word list but the coins were jumbled together. I made a set of yellow coins and white so you can pick which one you want to use. I used the white and copied them onto yellow paper. I am going to put the coins in a black pot and use it in a reading center. Students will pull out a coin and if they can read the word, they keep it. If they can't read the word it goes back into the pot. Take the blank coins and if they pull out a blank coin they have to put all of their coins back in the pot! Have fun!!!



Click here to Download coins

So what are you planning for St. Patty's Day?


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