Sunday, April 15, 2012

Math Review Activities and freebie

I hope your Saturday has been awesome!  I have been thinking about fun ways to review math objectives from now until the end of the year.  I have created a fun Money Scoot Game that you can download for FREE!  My kiddos love playing "Scoot."  If you never have, you should try it.  It can work for any subject.  Simply create cards with problems on each one.  Each card is placed on a kiddo's desk, so everyone has a card to start out with.  When you say go, everyone answers the question on their card.  I usually play music and kiddos know to SCOOT to the next desk.  When the music is turned off, they answer the question on that card.  Keep doing this until each kiddo has visited each desk and answered the question on each card.  They LOVE doing this!

I also created a fun review booklet that covers all math objectives in the third grade curriculum.  It has a Solar System theme and kiddos put the booklet together to resemble Saturn.  I created this as a review for the Missouri MAP Test and formatted it as such.  I hope you find it useful!

                                                      Click the pic to download the freebie!

Here is the awesome review I promised! 
Click the pic.

Need something fun for the end of the year but still meets your math objectives? Download this End of the Year Math Packet from teacherspay teachers. It has a Solar System theme. Kiddos complete the 33 problem packet and then cut it out to create a Planet Book. There are 16 problem pages all together, 32 if you include the answer key. Questions are a mix of multiple choice and short answer response.

What objectives does it cover?
1. addition/subtraction of 3-5 digit numbers
2. money
3. fractions
4. slides/flips/turns
5. symmetry
6. input/output table
7. reading a graph
8. elapsed time
9. place value (standard, expanded, word form)
10. multiplication
11. perimeter
12. patterning

There are one or two questions for each objective that reviews the third grade curriculum. I use this as a review for the Missouri MAP Test and I have formatted it as such.

This also includes an ANSWER KEY for the teacher!

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