Tuesday, June 12, 2012

It's Here! Common Core MATH!

I hope you are getting to relax and enjoy your summer!  I am just so happy I get to sleep in everyday!  It is my favorite!  So, I finally finished the Common Core Checklist with Kid Friendly Language for Math.  This is for third grade, but take heart, Gretchen is working on one for second grade and Shelley is working on one for kindergarten.  Make sure to check back often for updates!

Feel free to share this with your teacher friends and PIN IT!  I want as many people as possible to be able to use this and not have to remake one.  It was a lot of work!  Hopefully I can save somebody some time. =)

Freebie Fridays


  1. Great work! Many thanks.
    My district is still in the transition phase, but we are moving forward to Common Core.

    Yearn to Learn Blog

  2. Thank you so much. It is thoughtful of you to share this for free. I am sure it took a lot of time to create. So thankful for this.

    My (Not So) Elementary Life

  3. OH MY GOODNESS!! I CANNOT THANK YOIU ENOUGH FOR CREATING AND SHARING THIS!!!! I'm so excited that I had to use all caps...just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you sharing your hard work:)

  4. This is an amazing resource! I have pinned & printed it- thank you so much for sharing your hard work!!

    3rd Grade Thoughts

  5. Amazing! Thank you for your hard work and for sharing it with us.

  6. OMG This is awesome!!! I'm teaching 3rd grade next year and this will be super helpful. Thanks for sharing.

    Dirty Hands and Lesson Plans

  7. What a BLESSING to find this!!!! Thank you for being so generous. This will make the transition so much easier. Thank you, thank you, thank you :-)

  8. It looks great! Thank you for all of the time that you put into it!

    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  9. What a great resource! Thanks!!!

  10. These look great. I love checking out how everyone is tackling Common Core. I am so happy to find a blog where three other teachers are collaborating like we are!

    Your newest follower...

  11. Just found your site. Thank you so much for sharing this.

    Another new follower`


  12. I love your blog and especially the helpful CC checklists! I pinned this item to my Classroom Freebies board and I am your newest follower. Have a great school year!
    -Susan Hardin
    3rd Grade Grapevine
    Susan's Pinterest

  13. Hi, I just found your blog and I am so excited!! I got the checklist for LA, but when I click on the link for math, it says it doesn't exist. Can you help?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I grabbed these last spring and am just now really using them as a planning and assessment tool. I had to come and say THANK YOU!

  15. Thank you very much for sharing your hard on these! I am sharing and encouraging everyone to check out your sites. Great job!


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