Saturday, July 21, 2012

Editable Calendar Pack and...Zombies.

Hello peeps!  I hope your summer is still going strong!  Have you heard of this new 5K run that is starting around the country?  It is the Zombie Run Obstacle Course.  They make the course look like a quarantined area and people dress as zombies and try to take your flags which represent your health. (kind of like flag football...)  Well I am NOT a runner, but I love zombie stuff.  I know, weird, right?  I've watched that show The Walking Dead on AMC.  It is pretty good.  Anyway, I am going to give it a shot!  I started doing the Couch to 5K with an app on my phone about two weeks ago.  If you knew me, you would be shocked!  It is sweating like a pig kind of hard, but I secretly like it.  I am going to try my best to stick with it!  I want to outrun the ZOMBIES!  Wish me luck!

On the zombie note, I just got back in from running outside for the first time.  Usually, I run on a treadmill.  This was SOOOO much harder!  What is up with that?  Anyway, I felt rejuvenated or like I was on drugs, so I knocked out one of my many "before school starts" projects.  I make a calendar every year and hang it on the wall by my desk so I can keep track of my "life".  This year I made it so that other people, like you, can use it and make it your own.  You can edit this bad boy!  I even have some go to add ons that you can cut and paste such as No school, Report Cards, Conferences, etc.  I hope you find this useful.  I have a preview file so you can see if it would work for you. When you go to the TPT store, just click Download Preview File.  If you like it, you can get the whole year.

Have a great day! I you know how to kill a zombie?


  1. Your calendars look fabulous! I would love to do a Zombie 5k! I've done a few 5ks & that sounds like a blast! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  2. Hey - good luck with the RUN. It's always best to be prepared for the Apocalypse! LOL I LOVE zombies, too. Wish I could teach it in my class!! LOL

  3. I watch The Walking Dead, too! My husband is way into zombie stuff. Good luck getting ready for your Zombie Run :) I live in a college town, and they do this Humans vs. Zombies thing where people run around with Nerf guns. It's ridiculous, but pretty awesome.

    Of course, you have to cut off the head. Blades are best, because you never run out of ammo!

    Luckeyfrog' Lilypad

  4. I love your edmodo rules and was wondering if you have an editable version. I would like to use it for blogging, so I need to change the heading.


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