Friday, July 13, 2012

RTI with Mary Howard

I just attended the best Workshop I have ever been to!  It was RTI (Response to Intervention) with the guru herself, Mary Howard!  Not only was the information great, but Mary was awesome!  She is so down to earth and funny and you can tell she truly cares about students! She was inspiring!   While I would love to tell you everything I learned that is just impossible!  Basically, I am just going to give you a little background of RTI and then share lots of strategies! (sorry for all the exclamation points!  Can you tell I am excited?)

My school is just now learning about RTI and we started implemented assessment tools last year.  We were using AIMS web, which Mary doesn’t recommend… AIMS web simply assesses how fast students can read.  You and I both know that you can have a kiddo that reads like the wind, but can’t remember a single thing he read.  COMPREHENSION is what we should be assessing. Mary recommends using RUNNING RECORDS, anecdotal notes, and DRA (developmental reading assessments) to assess students.  You should be doing Running Records for the lowest 20% of your kiddos once a week and the rest of your kiddos every 3-4 weeks.  Make sure you are analyzing the total score for accuracy and the total score for meaning accuracy.  If you go to the Teacher’sCollege website, they have tons of Benchmarks that you can print off and use!   I will definitely be using these bad boys! 

I typed the rest of my notes so you can print them out.  This is what I am going to be sharing with the teachers at my school.  Please know, this is from MARY HOWARD and they are NOT my ideas!  Today's notes are all about the WHAT of RTI.  Check back soon for the HOW.


  1. That was very kind of you to take the time to document all you learned. Thanks so much for sharing!
    Ѽ Lori
    Teaching With Love and Laughter

    1. No problem! It was too great not to share with others and I asked Mary's permission! =)

  2. I was referred by another blogger, Donna from Working 5 to 9, and I am glad I found you! I am your newest follower!
    Learning 4 Keeps

    1. Thanks so much for telling me Leah! I will be going over to check out your blog!

  3. We had Mary Howard come to our school last year. A two year wait to get her. She was so informative! She stopped back later in the year on the way to another conference to see us in action. I learned so much from her visits.

    1. That is awesome Marcia! I wish I could take Mary Howard back to school with me just so I could pick her brain all day long!


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