Monday, December 17, 2012

Let's Spread Some Happiness

     Hello darlings!  We have all spent the weekend with our minds in shock and our hearts broken over the recent events at Sandy Hook.  It could have been any of us and any of our schools.  It should have been none, but sadly, we live in a fallen world and tragedy is a part of it.  All we can do is mourn and try to comfort others.  In times like these, our country draws together, as we remember that through all of our differences, we are all the same.  We are human and we love.  We love deeply.  I pray that you and your family can find peace and strength for the coming weeks, but that you will not forget.  If I have learned anything with my own brother's tragic death, it is that the world moves on.  In a few weeks, we won't hear about Sandy Hook on the news any more, but those families will still be suffering.  Please continue to send your prayers to them.

    I know when I go back into school today, I am going to hug each and every one of my 24 children.  They are like my own kids, and I just want them to feel safe and loved.

     So, let's spread some happiness around.  I recently posted about our RACKs from last year.  Well here are some pics of what we did this year for our Random Acts of Classroom Kindness.  It is not too late to start!

We made festive pencils for a second grade class. (and we sharpened them!)

We helped some Kindergartners at recess tie their shoes.

 We cleaned the cafeteria for the custodians after all lunches were over.

I thought my kiddos would complain about it, but they LOVED it and they were even fighting over the brooms!

We gave some read aloud books to come 5th grade classes.

 We gave a Geyser Tube to a 4th grade class.

We also helped kindergartners with math and played a math game with them.

So spread a little love.


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