Monday, May 27, 2013

Join the Newest Weekly Linky!

Hello darlings!  Happy summer to most of you!  Good luck to my friends who are almost done!  I hope everything runs smoothly! =)

I am super excited to unveil my latest endeavor!  A weekly linky party!  Who doesn't like parties?  I already link up at Manic Monday, Five for Friday, and Freebie Friday.  I know there are other cool days of the week linkies out there but I couldn't find a Tuesday one.... So.... da, da, da, da... join me for Tackle it Tuesday!

Every Tuesday, I will post some fun activity that covers a specific Common Core standard.  You are welcome to link ANY common core activity blog post and label it with the specific standard.  This way, fabulous teachers can visit one spot and find LOTS of tried and true Common Core activities!  I hate reinventing the wheel, don't you!

Linky Rules:

1. Link to a BLOG POST (no stores please) that contains a free OR priced Common Core Activity.
2. Include the Tackle It Tuesday Button with a link back to my blog.
3. Include the CCSS in your title.

Do you have a Linky Party?  I would love to join!


We LOVE comments!