Saturday, August 10, 2013

Multiplication Game Freebie

Hello darlings!  This is it!  We are down to the wire!  Tomorrow is the last day for that amazing Educents deal I keep bugging you about!  Over 20 teacher bloggers and I teamed up to combine our best selling units!  These units would usually go between $6-$12 a piece!  That is over $200 worth of resources!  Educents is only charging $30!!!  Wow!  I am glad I got my hands on this when I could!

Check out just a FEW of the awesome bundles included!

I included my Multiplication and Division Boot Camp!

That is seriously just a little taste of what you get!  Click here to check it all out!

[Image: SCHOOL YEAR BUNDLE (Grades 2-3)]

Want a little peek into my Multiplication and Division Boot Camp?  Click here to see how I use it in my room!

Click the pic below to become a Facebook Fan and get an exclusive freebie game!!!!!


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