Sunday, March 23, 2014

Fraction Frenzy Pack-ed with Fun....A FREEBIE & a GIVEAWAY!!

Hello my fellow reader! Hope you are enjoying this wonderful Sunday! I have an AWESOME freebie for you, along with a giveaway.

Amy and I are on Spring Break this week and have been looking forward to the relaxation. It has been so hard trying to get back into the swing of things with all the snow days we had. Hope you have/are/will enjoy your Spring Break if you have one.

So we started fractions last week. I decided to create a fractions interactive book to use as a supplement to the Singapore Math program that we follow. Since I do math groups (refer to my money blog post to see how my math instruction works), I plan on using this as a review after meeting with my first group of kiddos (my lower students). I will have my direct instruction and then my students will work on the book with a partner to complete the page within the booklet that covers the concept we discussed.

The book includes the following concepts:
  • defining fractions (numerator & denominator)
  • Writing and reading fractions (from a scenario or picture)
  • Comparing fractions
  • Adding/subtracting fractions
  • Equivalent fractions
Here is a sneak peak of my booklet.

In addition to the booklet, I decided to create activities and games to review the same concepts. My students love completing activities and playing games any chance they get. It makes learning a little bit more "fun". The following are the activities that my students will be completing throughout the fraction unit:

Friendly Fractions

Throughout this activity kiddos are either adding or subtracting fractions with like denominators. The kiddos cut out the game pieces and the letters "D" and "N". Player one decides which number to place the "D" and "N". The "D" stands for the denominator and the "N" stands for the numerator. Player one has to determine the fraction that is needed to add to the fraction created to create a one-whole. Then he/she covers that fraction up on the game board with his/her game piece. Then player two can only move the numerator or the denominator. Player two does the same thing, covers up the fraction needed to create a one-whole with the fraction that was created by moving the two letters. Player one and two switch turns doing the same thing until the first person gets 5 game pieces in a row (vertically, horizontally, or diagonally).

Frantic Fractions

This is a comparing game where students sort through the cards and place them within the box to make the sentence true (<, >, or =). The answer key is included.

Ruckus Readers

This is a fun matching game that includes students matching the picture to the fraction of the shaded parts. If a player turns over a "Fraction Frenzy" card, then he/she automatically loses his/her turn. The player with the most matches wins!

Fraction Action

This is a "Read Around the Room" activity where the teacher places the cards around the room and the students walk around and answer the questions on the cards on the recording sheet. You could also use this as a center activity.

Fit & Fraction

This is a FUN review of all the concepts within the interactive book. There are 5 rounds within this game. Each round pertains to a specific fraction concept. There are two teams/players. Player/team one starts first and has to answer the card. Player/team two checks the answer. If the answer is correct, player/team one gets a point. If the answer is not correct, then the player/team has to complete the task that is found on the round card (jumping jacks, crunches, etc.), along with chanting the Fraction Frenzy chant. After the 5 rounds, the team/player with the most points wins. This is a great way to get your kiddos up and moving during math.

While I am meeting with each group, my other group will be working independently on their task for the day (either the booklet above, the games/activities above or workbook/challenge packet pages). Any chance I get, I have my kiddos get on the computer to work on math games. The following websites are some resources I will be putting on my student computers for my students to use while independent work time (click on the links to visit the websites):
You can grab my Fraction Frenzy Pack that includes the book and activity pack. In addition, I am giving away this comparing fractions game.


In order to thank you for being a wonderful follower, I am doing a GIVEAWAY starting tomorrow at 12:00 a.m. (central time). The winner will get the opportunity to get anything they want for FREE in my TpT store, along with a $5 Starbuck's gift card. Who doesn't love FREE stuff!?!?

Just follow the three easy steps (leave a comment with your email, follow my store on TpT, and follow our blog on Blog Lovin') and you could be the winner! Good luck to all of you!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

What are some ideas you have for fractions? How do you implement fractions within your classroom?

Happy Sunday!! Hope you have a wonderful week!


  1. We use hands on materials like food to teach fractions.

  2. LOTS of manipulatives! My thirdies always struggle with fractions and need lots of visuals.

  3. We are doing so much fraction work right now it is coming out of my ears! I use interactive notebooks quite a bit with fractions. mrssemaki (at) aol (dot) com

  4. I use lots of visuals, hands on materials, foldables, and various games.

  5. I use lots of manipulatives. My third graders are really struggling with fractions.

  6. Manipulatives and interactive notebooks.

  7. Definitely use foods and manipulatives. They love anything that has food involved!

    This is a great giveaway....if I won, I would get your addition pack!
    Kelly Brown

  8. We use a variety of manipulatives (especially food) and our interactive notebooks!

  9. teach at home Mom and I use real food :)
    cindygaarder at gmail dot com

  10. We are doing fractions right now - lots of manipulatives, modeling & practice.


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