Wednesday, May 9, 2012

End of the Year stuff...

Okay friends, I have 8 days of school left and I am feeling a little overwhelmed.  How about you?  There is so much to do and so little time...

Well, one thing to check off my list is my welcome letter for my new class.  We have to turn it in to the office next week so they can get them ready for mailing. (already, I know!)  Click to get a free copy to model after.  I know I always like to get ideas from other teachers of what they write.  I also include a letter to the parents called, "A Million Words or Less."  I found it online a few years ago.  Sorry, I don't know who from...

As I pack up my room, (actually, before state testing) I take all of my posters and anchor charts off my wall.  I don't believe in saving them for the next year because I feel it is powerful to create the charts with the kiddos.  I take a pic for my files and then I hold a raffle for my kiddos to choose anchors charts to take home.  They LOVE this!  Lots of my girls like to take them home to play school.  My boys like to take them as a poster or to make large paper airplanes. =)  No matter what, it is better than trashing them.

I hope the end of your year is as stress free as possible!

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