Sunday, May 6, 2012

Singapore Sunday and 5 Star Blog Challenge

Hello my darlings!  Ten days of school left!  While I am thrilled, I am not looking forward to the end of the year work that is involved, you know, report cards, DRA folders, filling out permanent files, and PACKING UP!  Ahhh!  Our entire school is changing classrooms because we have a new edition opening at the beginning of next year.  Wowza!

Well, with only 2 weeks left, we are learning new Singapore Math Strategies for multiplication.  One such strategy is the Area Model of Multiplication.  It is a mental math strategy that helps kiddos to multiply in their heads.  It will also help kiddos as they get into larger multiplication problems.  Check out the FREE video by clicking below.

Download the poster and worksheet for FREE!

I hope this was helpful for you! 

If you have your own blog, head on over to the organized classroom to take the 5 Star Blogger Challenge!  We are happy to say we have met the Challenge and we are proud to be 5 Star Bloggers!

5-Star Blogger
Have a great Sunday,


  1. Definitely a 5-Star Blog! Thanks so much for linking up!

    The Organized Classroom Blog

    1. Thanks Charity! We so appreciate that coming from you, our fairy blogmother! =)
      Amy, Gretchen, Shelley

  2. I was trying to download your "Area Model of Multiplication" poster, but there isnt' a dropbox to select download. Can you please send me a copy through email? I love your stuff...


    1. Hey Marianne,
      Just hit the print button. When you do, there will be an option for you to download it. Let me know if it doesn't work. Thanks for the feedback!

  3. thanks for the free worksheet will def be using it =) i am your newest follower.. drop by =)

    Just Wild About Teaching


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