The best advice I ever received was in teaching rules. I like to let my students "come up" with the rules so they have ownership. Now, I say they come up with them but, little do they know, that I steer them toward the three rules I want for my classroom. My rules used to be: Be Neat, Be Safe, Be Kind. My school is doing PBS (positive behavior support) and we have school wide rules. Everyday, during announcements, we are reminded of these rules: Green Tree Gators are Safe, Respectful and Responsible Learners. That is a mouthful to say for kindergarteners. I missed my old rules at first but realized that with a little teaching my kiddos will understand what being respectful and responsible mean. I always start with a list asking my kids what they want their classroom to be like. After the list we narrow it down. There is usually a list of don't hit, don't punch, don't bite, don't run, don't be sloppy blah, blah, blah. I like to redo the list the next day making it more positive. If we aren't hitting, punching biting our friends then what are we doing? Once we are done with the list that is more positive, I take each sentence and put it under safe, respectful or responsible behavior. The following pictures show my rule board so we can always go back to it.

This is my board that reminds us how to make smart choices. I like to take pictures of my students following these rules and hang them on the board as a visual.
I love this book, "Have You Filled a Bucket Today?" If you haven't read it, go get it NOW! I hear my students talking about being bucket fillers instead of dippers! It is so sweet!
If you have a special book you use to teach rules, please share!
Love this! I'll definitely be squeezing this in next week with our class rules.
I Teach. What's Your Super Power?