This post is going to be all about what I have the other 20 or so kiddos doing while I am pulling my small tier 2 intervention group. I didn't want it to be busy work. I wanted them to be challenged and have fun. AND I wanted it to be E*A*S*Y! Can we say "Aint Nobody Got Time for That!" boys and girls?
So I created 8 centers/stations that two or three kiddos could visit at a time. They spend 25 minutes at the station and complete one station a day. This means they will not get to all stations in one week. Which also means you don't have to change the math center out every week. You have to do it every two weeks.
Each student has an RTI notebook that they record all of their work inside. I am not necessarily going to take this for an academic grade because not ALL students will go to the centers. I will most likely take a participation grade. The only station that requires you to change out any materials is the Math Wizard Station. Everything else is good to go. See what I mean....
The above picture show Super Hero Vocabulary. Students simply create a vocabulary card for each of the words you have chosen. I use a sticky note to write the words up each week. Once they compete the card, they hole punch it in the corner and put it on a binder ring to keep them together. My kiddos store these on the metal bars of their desks.
note cards
hole puncher
1 1/2in binder ring
Math Monster Center: Depending on your classroom computer situation you could have students play math games, go to, or take a quiz at I am lucky that I have 3 computers. You could also have kiddos use flashcards or practice with a dry erase board.
Computers or
News Reporter Center: I have a stash of Time For Kids magazines. Students read an article and then summarize the article and write a reflection. If you don't have TFK magazines ANY nonfiction article, book, or textbook would work.
Time For Kids Magazines or
Nonfiction texts
Poetry Center: Students read a poem and then pick a task card. They follow the directions. I got the task cards for free from the Lesson Plan Diva.
Poetry books
Poetry Task Cards
Friendly Letter Center: Students grab a sheet of paper from the pocket and write a letter to a classmate. The letter must be detailed and formatted correctly. I put the example that we did together back there as a reminder. We write the letter to the Rockstar of the Week.
Comic Strip Story: Students choose a fiction book that they have already read or are finishing up. They then create a summary in comic strip form. (sorry the Comic Strip paper is from a book)
fiction book
comic strip paper
Word Study Center: Students choose a task card to study their spelling words for the week. I got the task cards fro free from Amy Lemons. The spelling words can be found in my store by clicking here.
spelling task cards
spelling words
Math Wizard Center: This is the only center you will have to change out every week. I just find different games for my kiddos to play.
Math games
To the right you can see each of the posters in mini size. (to print I just chose multiple pages and chose 4 to a page) This is how we keep track of who is at each center. (one center a day) I took this pic before we added the clothespins with each kiddo's name. We just move the clothespins down each day to rotate for the next day's center. I make this a job in my classroom.
Thanks for sticking with me through this long post. Would you like to download all the direction cards? Here you go! Click here! Please follow me on TPT and bloglovin my friends!
